Quaxar Blog

Hand in Hand

Written by Blog Quaxar | May/05/2011

by Jimena Camacho

A marketing guru once said that the Email Marketing is the most personal advertising medium in history. I believe that with all the various online communication tools consumers use today, we have more personal advertising than the email. We are now living in the age of posting in Facebook, tweeting, writing in blogs and expressing ourselves around Social Media.

Email marketing has a lot of advantages. First of all is cost effective, targeted and customizable and must important it is measurable. Whether you send an email to promote or to create a relationship, email marketing can be a tool to generate traffic to social media and vice verse. On the other hand, the email marketing campaigns also have disadvantages. No one like to receive unwanted emails, this is the reason why we mark an email as a SPAM if our campaign it is no effective enough.

Although everyone is in the social media, email marketing stills the online communication tool more widely used, more than Facebook. However these two tools together can be a very good opportunity to marketers and used them as an integrated digital marketing strategy. Social media will help you to analyze the profiles so you can reach your customers with more effective campaigns offering what they want. It will also help you to drive people to the registration experiences and help you increase your database; thought the email marketing campaigns you can drive your active customers to social media to become more effective. The primary call to action inside newsletters are the Social Media ones, it has been named “The social call”.

So the answer is no, social media is not ending with the email marketing, and both are a very good communication tools. Email is not going to die, is just going to be more social and who knows, maybe we will have all information centralized (photos, comments, messages, email, documents) in one tool and available in our mobile phone. Maybe Facebook is trying to get there, what do you think?