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Adolfo Ibañez Selected Smart Emails

“This is beyond CRM, is the next level, a Digital Marketing Strategy”
Company Profile
Adolfo Ibáñez School of Management (AISM) offers a unique Multinational MBA program tailored to high-level executives interested in conducting business in Latin America. It is the first Latin American university whose Multinational MBA program is accredited in the State of Florida.
The Challenge

Due the recent explosion in the education offers, schools and universities need to create a strong branding and a clear differential to capture the prospective students.
The real challenge is how to create a specific communication with each niche. The SolutionBefore Smart Emails, AISM was only using Outlook, so the transition was very simple; the key factors wereplanning,strategy and the definition of the objectives
With Smart Emails AISM was able to start a Digital Marketing campaign with a one-to-one communication that would help them create an experience with each segment.


Collecting and Synchronizing Data
Migrating the Outlook directory was simple, and updating this list in the Smart Emails module is even easier. Additionally, the feedback from the recipients is also used to enrich the database.

Dynamic segments automatically update as data in Smart Emails. Groups are created based on the stakeholders for the university: parents, students and potential students. Content is then tailored based on the segment being emailed. For example, AISM sent a targeted open house breakfast email to all prospective students.

Call to Action
With Smart Emails AISM was able to create professional-looking digital invitations, which they send to their prospects, with one innovative feature, a “confirm reservation” button in the email. Once the prospect receives the invitation, by simply clicking the confirmation button, the AISM database receives this confirmation, this way they can have a preregistration process, which allows them to be better organized, and be ready when the people arrive at the breakfast.

The Results

Whit Smart Emails AISM has been able to establish a complete communications cycle, with metrics that allow them to have feedback, they can easily know how many emails were sent, how many bounced and opened and if the recipients followed the call to action from the message. As Jose Rocha, Director of Marketing and Executive Education, just said: “This is beyond CRM, is the next level, a Digital Marketing Strategy”.

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