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Loyalty. Determine your customer’s commitment to the brand

How many times have you heard that it is less expensive to keep a current customer than to attract a new one? We’re sure too many times, and that’s where the importance of customer loyalty comes from.

The concept of loyalty is not only limited to people always buying a brand and not changing it, it goes a little further. To be considered a loyal customer, he must be convinced of the brand, even if he considers other options, he will always end up choosing the same brand because it offers him what he is looking for; in addition, he must play an important role as an evangelist in front of his community or group, because the “mouth to mouth” is one of the best ways to acquire new user and that they come with a predisposition to remain as permanent customers.

To achieve customer loyalty it is necessary to offer a product/service that satisfies their needs and meets their expectations, this includes considering the whole process they go through for the purchase and a subsequent follow-up.

It will also be important to monitor the perception that consumers have of the brand, the trust they show to be able to make recommendations to other users, as well as the level of commitment to maintain the relationship and the level of loyalty that can be reflected through it.

To gather the necessary information and obtain the results needed to determine important statistical values that reflect the brand’s status in terms of loyalty and promotion aspects, it is useful to implement surveys.

Through surveys, not only quantitative values can be obtained, but also qualitative values that are used to determine a clearer perception of the actions that the brand reflects, and the user considers when interacting with it. Therefore, a survey space must be provided with at least one open question and the user can place a comment or opinion about it, so there is no single bias on questions, but it allows to capture more information about the customer’s thinking.

When all the information is obtained from the surveys, the proper processing and interpretation of results are of utmost importance, especially to allow managers or area managers who are responsible for decision-making to concentrate on what is most important and not waste time trying to interpret what should already be ready.

To achieve correct interpretations the analysis process must be complete and it is well-focused on the objective pursued with the creation of the survey. Analysis processes are usually complex and time-consuming, especially if the necessary tools are not available.

According to the objective of the survey, are the questions that it should contain and the result to be achieved, however, remember that the shorter the survey, the more likely it is that the user will be motivated to answer completely.

NPS surveys are usually one of the shortest surveys that exist, also being ideal to determine the level of satisfaction and trust that a user has with a brand so that they get to the point of feeling motivated as an evangelist and wants to recommend it to them, friends or family. In this type of survey the key question is one, where the user is asked to provide a score of 0-10 according to their sense of confidence to recommend the brand to others and is supported by a second question where the user is given the freedom to expose their comments why they chose that option, the other questions are usually used to capture demographic data that can be used in monitoring or some other applicable segmentations.

The scores obtained from the NPS are divided into 3: promoters, detractors, and passives. The scores from 0-6 represent passives, 7 and 8 represent neutrals, and the remaining scores (9 and 10) are promoters. However, a total for each category does not represent the NPS; the true result is obtained by subtracting the percentage of promoters minus the percentage of detractors. The “passive” results are not considered in the calculation, because they are not taken as a negative or positive opinion.

As an example of the above, suppose we apply the survey to 100 customers, of which 60% are promoters and 30% detractors, we apply a subtraction (60 – 30 = 30). The result of 30 indicates the NPS value obtained.

NPS scores vary from -100 to 100, above 0 can be considered a good level of customer satisfaction, and if the result exceeds the score of 50, it is interpreted as a high level of satisfaction, commitment, and loyalty that the customer has with the brand.

You may have noticed that the NPS qualifies as the perfect standard to obtain the level of loyalty that customers can have with the brand, and you are right. This is ideal to know the degree of customer satisfaction with the brand in general and through a simple question. There are no complications in interpretation and much less in exhaustive analysis, only a calculation is enough to obtain tangible results that guide actions based on what is done well or what can be improved so that the brand in general obtains better results and can be considered to obtain customer loyalty, which translates into better results in many aspects.

If you need support creating surveys and monitoring their results, at Quaxar we can help you do, not hesitate to contact us to provide you with the advice you need.