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7 tips for designing creative emails

Email marketing is used as a communication tool within the digital world to deliver the brand’s message to leads and customers. The objectives for which they are sent vary depending on the strategy pursued, but it is always important to consider it since this channel offers the best return on investment. According to research, it is estimated that for every dollar spent on these campaigns, approximately 40 dollars in ROI are generated, and this value usually varies depending on the industry.

Email marketing offers significant benefits compared to other channels, so making use of it is an excellent idea. If you are interested in getting started in the world of email marketing or want to improve your emails creatively, today we leave you 7 tips that Monique Zander (99designs) provides us to significantly improve the design techniques in email marketing.


Images are more effective than long texts since they attract the user’s attention, especially if they are expressive and of high quality. Thanks to them, people spend less time and attention absorbing the information provided.

Presenting the image and personality of the brand visually triggers emotions that incite to purchase.

Remember to use an alternative text on each image placed, to enhance the email and the impact on search results performed by potential customers. In addition, this text ensures that readers can understand what is being represented, even if the image cannot load properly when opening the email.


The application of color psychology is a key piece, as it is part of the success of many brands. Certain colors, tones, and hues manage to evoke specific feelings and values within people, and if these are channeled in the right way, great results can be achieved.

The daring use of bright and intense colors can capture the consumer’s attention and make an impact, but it will always be important to consider the target audience and influences when applying this approach, as well as to maintain consistency with the brand’s overall image and message.


Graphics are a more interesting and faster way to communicate with subscribers. They should be fun and interesting to complement the corporate design features.


Attractive artwork contributes to the impression of potential customers and motivates them to keep looking at what you do. Providing drawings and illustrations, text blocks, and CTAs, are a fundamental part of making your content work in a digital environment.

The artwork and drawings that are customized should be brand and value-based. A designer who can understand and conceptualize this is a fundamental part of a winning recipe for any marketing campaign.


Using fonts of different sizes, colors and orientations allow on many occasions to present information in limited spaces of an email. Spending time experimenting with the structure and organization of the email content to achieve a design that offers a better visual impact is an excellent idea.

Remember that it’s equally important to balance visual impact with readability, to ensure that the content to be presented is clear to customers.

The use of colors within the text should complement the other elements and above all help, the customer establishes links with the brand.


Having a creative email doesn’t imply overloading the recipient with a lot of information. Emails should be brief and concise, to offer the user a clear and easy-to-understand message, without having to make a great effort on their part.

Always check the details provided and that they are essential to motivate interest with a clear and elegant design so that readers can quickly identify the CTA and become more involved in reading the email.


Never forget to include your brand logo in the header of the email, this way customers will be able to easily recognize you, generating trust and a smoother start to interactions.

The time has come for you to put these tips into practice and let your creativity fly with emails that captivate your users, but if you still don’t feel ready to work on it or you prefer to let the experts take care of it, you can contact them and ask for the advice you need.

At Quaxar we have the necessary experience in the world of email marketing, and we not only support you with your design but with all the strategies you need to achieve the results you are waiting for and that you can translate into benefits for your brand. Remember to contact us to talk a little about your needs and how we will support you.

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