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Pain points. Identify and improve the customer experience

Pain points refer to problems or situations that consumers face when using a product/service and that generate negative feelings towards the experience. These can occur at any stage of the customer journey, when needs or expectations are not met or when solutions to problems are not provided.

The presence of pain points is not only an incorrect point that must be solved, it is necessary to understand the context to be corrected and the need to be satisfied. When a pain point is understood, the approach and how the brand addresses the public change, since the sales strategy focuses on alleviating it and not just offering another product/service.

It is important to know and understand the pain points, as this allows you to analyze your brand positioning in terms of the solutions you offer to potential customers who are facing one of these problems. In addition, this analysis provides useful information to meet customers’ needs as they move through the customer journey.

To know and understand each pain point the first step is to be able to identify them correctly, the following strategies can be used:

1-Identifying customer needs

It is necessary to investigate what are the needs of customers, for this can be useful satisfaction surveys, because through them you know the opinion of users, especially if they had a negative experience as they are the most disposed to leave comments.

The key to surveys is to use questions that make customers talk and, above all, to include open-ended questions where they can express their comments.

When surveys are applied, the data collected are quantifiable and provide as a result metrics to better understand the public and be able to offer what they need based on determining variables.

2-Research among the sales team

If you have a product/service that is not easy to sell and even has the lowest purchase percentages, it may be because you have not yet correctly identified the customer’s pain points; for example, if it is a high price that is offered, if it does not have an attractive or differentiating feature, if it is difficult to use, etc.

The sales team can help with the task of providing the necessary information on why certain sales are not successful since through the results it is possible to know the specific problems that are occurring and that cause the sale not to happen. In combination with an after-sales survey, it is possible to find ways to improve what is being offered.

3-Read online comments

The comments that brand users post on social networks are interesting and helpful when it comes to quickly identifying needs. Also, review websites can be consulted, as they are the places where users’ opinions are collected the most, in addition to making it easier to analyze the competition from a customer or stakeholder perspective.

4-Analyzing the competition

It is important to get an overview of what other competing brands are doing and their approach to users.

To perform a competitive analysis, you can visit their website and check prices, read their FAQs, etc., in this way you can detect their weak points, and from this, you can establish marketing strategies.

Having the information about the pain points and how to identify them, it is easier for the brand to start working to collect key information to help solve them effectively. When these points are addressed, the customer experience will improve considerably and will be reflected as positive points for the company.

If you need help implementing strategies for information gathering through surveys you can contact us and we will support you with options.

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