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Near, Far, Front, Back.

by Victor Rojas

Are you tired of traveling for about 2 hours to go with a client and have a 15 minutes meeting? Would you like to take the meeting from the comfort of your desk? Now you can. In fact, this is possible since a long time ago. You only need to turn on your laptop, your microphone, headphones, webcam, and talk with all the people you want around the world.

No, this is not an infomercial, but we could say that in the past 5 years, distances are shorter and shorter. I remember a time when a simple dating relationship (and I know that a dating relationship is nothing simple) implied sporadic phone calls and they were very expensive, not to mention traveling to see the boyfriend or girlfriend because you spend half your salary to do so. Now, you just lift the lid of your laptop, press a button and you can have an immediate communication.

So this is happening in the business world. You don’t need to spend huge amounts of money and time to be connected with all your customers.

Imagine having a meeting at 10 am in Mexico, 11 am in Costa Rica, Nicaragua 11:30 am, eat a donut, 1 pm in Miami and Colombia (at the same time) and get out to lunch with your family. Well, you don’t need to imagine it, because many of us do this every day.

Do you know the tools that can make this? At least have you heard about Skype, MSN, ICQ  (who remembers ICQ?), and other free tools that can help you stay connected. Use them and save time, effort and a lot of money. (Did you know that, with Skype, you can show your screen to the other person in real time? Http://

People spoke about ‘The Magic of Television’ which is when you feel part of what we are seeing. When I was a child I thought of creating a device that allows me to teleport from one place to another, and I think I will not succeed but someone in a couple of years can invent this. Now, there are conference rooms where you can be there, even when you’re on the other side of the earth
If we speak of magic, the Internet is the Merlin remastered.

Now with all the technology that we have and will have in a few years, children will not only need a GROVER class. They will need something more credible. ( Near, Far, Front, Back.
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Are you tired of traveling for about 2 hours to go with a client and have a 15 minutes meeting?
Would you like to take the meeting from the comfort of your desk?

Now you can. In fact, this is possible since a long time ago. You only need to turn on your laptop, your microphone, headphones, webcam, and talk with all the people you want around the world.

No, this is not an infomercial, but we could say that in the past 5 years, distances are shorter and shorter. I remember a time when a simple dating relationship (and I know that a dating relationship is nothing simple) implied sporadic phone calls and they were very expensive, not to mention traveling to see the boyfriend or girlfriend because you spend half your salary to do so. Now, you just lift the lid of your laptop, press a button and you can have an immediate communication.

So this is happening in the business world. You don’t need to spend huge amounts of money and time to be connected with all your customers.

Imagine having a meeting at 10 am in Mexico, 11 am in Costa Rica, Nicaragua 11:30 am, eat a donut, 1 pm in Miami and Colombia (at the same time) and get out to lunch with your family. Well, you don’t need to imagine it, because many of us do this every day.

Do you know the tools that can make this? At least have you heard about Skype, MSN, ICQ  (who remembers ICQ?), and other free tools that can help you stay connected. Use them and save time, effort and a lot of money. (Did you know that, with Skype, you can show your screen to the other person in real time? Http://

People spoke about ‘The Magic of Television’ which is when you feel part of what we are seeing. When I was a child I thought of creating a device that allows me to teleport from one place to another, and I think I will not succeed but someone in a couple of years can invent this. Now, there are conference rooms where you can be there, even when you’re on the other side of the earth
If we speak of magic, the Internet is the Merlin remastered.

Now with all the technology that we have and will have in a few years, children will not only need a GROVER class. They will need something more credible. (


Cerca, Lejos, Adelante, Atrás.

Por Victor Rojas

¿Está usted cansado de viajar aproximadamente 2 horas para ir con un cliente y tener una junta de 15 minutos? ¿Le gustaría poder tomar la junta desde la comodidad de su escritorio?

Ahora se puede, es más, desde ya hace mucho tiempo se puede hacer.  Solo es cuestión que prenda su laptop, active su micrófono, audífonos, webcam y comience a hablar con todas las personas que desee alrededor del mundo.

No, esto no es un infomercial, pero podríamos decir que en los últimos 5 años las distancias cada vez se acortan más y más. Recuerdo hace tiempo cuando un simple noviazgo a distancia (que el estar en un noviazgo no tiene nada de simple) implicaba llamadas esporádicas por teléfono ya que eran muy costosas, y ni hablar de viajar a ver al novio o a la novia porque se te iba medio sueldo en hacerlo. Actualmente, con sólo levantar la tapa de tu laptop o presionar un botón podrás tener comunicación de manera inmediata.

Así nos pasa ahora en los negocios. No necesitamos gastar enormes cantidades de dinero y tiempo para estar conectados con todos nuestros clientes.

Imagínese tener una junta a las 10 am en México, a las 11 am en  Costa Rica, 11:30 am con Nicaragua, comer una dona, a la 1 pm en Miami y Colombia (al mismo tiempo) y poder salir a comer con tu familia.  No necesitamos imaginarlo porque muchos de ustedes lo hacen cotidianamente.

¿Ya conoce las herramientas con las que puede hacer que esto funcione? Por lo menos ha escuchado hablar de Skype, MSN, ICQ (¿quién se acuerda del ICQ?), y otras más que de manera gratuita nos pueden ayudar a mantenernos conectados. Utilícelas y ahórrese tiempo, esfuerzo y, sobre todo, mucho dinero. ¿Sabía, por ejemplo, que con Skype puede mostrar su pantalla a la otra persona, en tiempo real?

Se hablaba de ‘La Magia de la Televisión’ que era la que nos hacía adentrarnos y sentirnos parte de lo que estamos viendo. Yo desde pequeño he pensado en crear un aparato que me permita teletransportarme de un lado a otro, y creo que no lo voy a lograr pero alguien en un par de años más lo podrá hacer (ya existen salas completas de conferencia donde puedes estar casi presencial, aunque estés al otro lado de la tierra Si de magia hablamos, el Internet es el Merlín remasterizado.

Ahora con toda la tecnología con la que contamos y contaremos en pocos años, los niños ya no sólo necesitarán una clase con Archivaldo, tendrá que ser algo más creíble (

[youtube][/youtube] Near, Far, Front, Back.